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2020-01-21 16:51

This is often a challenge to teachers in terms of pedagogical sphere where constructivism learning theory is integrated and teachers having to move away from ‘feeding’ students information instead of being part of the learning experience instead of just giving information. Thus, one can agree with Khoeler and Mishrah (2009) that by integrating technology, pedagogy and content concurrently skilled teachers can expose students learning experience to TPACK every lesson they have. This means that students get the skills and learning ability to communicate, share their knowledge. In the second case study which took place in Khon Kaen University in Thailand, the researcher used TPACK framework with a constructivist learning paradigm to explore issues in a real-life classroom (Srisawasdi, 2012). The participants were encouraged to form open discussions, using ICT-TPACK aligned topics to address teaching and teaching tools in specific areas of concern. The outcomes similarly to the first case study was broken down into the sectors of TPACK and discussed as summarised: Technological knowledge in both case studies seemingly had the advantages of the teachers providing some form of context inline with the teaching and the technology. In both cases teachers were able to deal with technological dependability and students’ perception of the subject and how to integrate the technology into the requirements. Some challenges were provided in terms of the different views on technology how it affected students, with some teachers mentioning that technology was seen as an aid and a hinderance to students at different points. Pedagogical Knowledge was clearly driven as teachers knew what they planned and expected of the students. Their goals for the lessons indicated was clear and thus they were able to integrate the technological spectrum with their expertise and allow students to access information by open discussion and via the technology. The content was deemed to suffice and no challenges were reported with regards to the integration of what was presented. In the overlapping learning goals of the wiki case study, students met the requirements of using the technology to meet the requirements by being enabled to save the text and utilizing it at a later stage to further develop their knowledge and sharing it with others. In the second case study researchers clearly found that categories of knowledge were created and implemented through the ICT module. Looking at both these case studies and analysing how TPACK was utilized successfully, one can deduce that this learning module with the current challenges can help aid teachers as well as students in their learning experience and that more research is required in order to improve learning with this ICT module. Another challenge is that this model is often described in a Venn diagram, indicating that it is very much contextual and therefore seemingly more challenging to adapt in a host of areas, which is not the case, but could be seen as a drawback. This model is known to layer its parts knowing that as a teacher one has to make sure of how the different parts of the framework is integrated and that each part of the framework is represented in the work presented to the students through proper planning. Thus, no teacher using this model can use technology haphazardly as just a tool, as this might miss the point of knowledge and or not cover the pedagogy which is planned to be delivered, hence this model is a bit stationary in terms of its representation of each of the components of the framework. Upon looking in to more ICT modules and learning theories, next point would be to look at the SAMR and see how this ICT learning module can aid in students learning experience.