
2020-01-06 08:29

On examination of the genitourinary system, there was moderate edematous swelling in the genitalia region, specifically the penis shaft and scrotum, however no tenderness was present. There were no visible blisters or rash present on the circumscribed penis or scrotum. There was no associated edema present in the upper or lower extremities (Figure 1). On dental examination, the patient presented with right facial swelling with pain to palpation; specifically, his second tooth was tender with visible decay. The surrounding gingiva appeared swollen with no fluctuance. Laboratory test including complete blood count, urine analysis, urine culture as well as urine Gonorrhea/Chlamydia amplified assay which were all negative.For the treatment of the genital angioedema, the patient received Diphenhydramine, Famotidine, and Methylprednisolone with moderate improvement of the penile swelling. A genitourinary consult was obtained and concluded the angioedema of the penis and scrotal region to be due to ibuprofen hypersensitivity. A CT of the facial bone was obtained to evaluate for the presence of an abscess in the dental region. A small cystic focus in the inferior medial aspect of the right palatine tonsil, and a right-sided subperiosteal abscess along the outer cortex of the mandible were discovered. IV Antibiotics (Cephalexin) were commenced as a single dose to treat his odontogenic abscess. The patient was discharged on Amoxicillin-Clavulanate (Co-amoxiclav), Diphenhydramine, Famotidine, prednisone and acetaminophen/oxycodone. He did not return for a follow-up.