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2018-03-22 14:31

The team then established the rules for the school store. School store will be on Friday from 1:30pm-2:30pm. Students must be escorted and supervised by their classroom staff. Appropriate behavior must be demonstrated at the school store. Students will be asked to leave if their behavior is unacceptable. Rules of school store will be posted at the store site and a copy will be given to each classroom for staff to review with students. Students must be earning 80 points, must be dress code compliant, and have no major acting out behaviors to attend store. School store will be announced on the speaker and a schedule will be implemented of classroom times. Only appointed staff will be allowed to operate and have access to school store and shall maintain store inventory. It is the responsibility of the classroom staff to track student's points in order for them to buy items from store. Any staff/student that is suspected of theft, manipulating points, not tracking student's points, not allowing students to utilize store will be reported immediately to an Administrator and receive a consequence for their actions. There will be a suggestion box for any requests for inventory, changes that may be needed, or comments/concerns at the store that will be reviewed by the PBS team. PBS team will monitor point/inventory relation and make necessary adjustments.The incident data each month will be compared to the data from last year and disaggregated by types of incident. This comparison data will be used to evaluate the effectiveness of the program and to determine the target area for the second tier. It is projected that the number of incidents per month will decrease by 50% like that of other schools in the county.
- 上一篇:英国南安普顿代写作业:计划人口
- 下一篇:南安普顿代写Essay:个体学习需要