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2018-02-06 17:36

the term 'population' refers to all those people who could be included in a research'. In the case of my research proposal, my population will be the orphans. This is because with orphans, class background will not be a variable that might affect the dependent variable, which is the educational attainment. As mentioned above, I will need two groups of five students for my experiment. These students must be as alike as possible: same age, same gender, same class background, and same academic abilities. The criteria therefore that are required in the orphans are that they have to be final year male students in high school, and most importantly they have never ever taken any recreational drugs before. Since my population is not a large one and I am only interested in finding ten students which are easily studied as a whole, sampling is not an issue here. After finding all the orphans with the required criteria, they all will be given an academic test to check their academic performance. Ten students with the best and same academic abilities will be chosen. However if there are more than ten students with the same marks, then a random sampling procedure will be selected to avoid any bias. A simple random sampling procedure guarantees that each student has an equal chance of being selected. To make it less time-consuming and to avoid any bias, place all the students' names in a box and draw out the names required. After selecting ten students, divide them into two groups of five. One group will be the control group and the other will be the experimental group.
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