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纽卡斯尔论文代写 应用心理学
2020-03-20 00:13

纽卡斯尔论文代写 应用心理学
Rogers was an applied psychology following in the same footsteps as Freud and Jung in his work, he then use what he learned to develop theories about the human condition and human relationships, including the relationships, for example the relationship of the client and therapist (Mcleod, 2019). Rodgers mainly focused on understanding the fundamental characteristics of effective communication and the development of human potential (Nelson, L., Cushion, C. J., Potrac, P., & Groom, R. 2012). Humanistic therapy looks at the whole person, not only from the therapist’s view but from the viewpoint of individuals observing their own behavior (Psychology Today, 2019)Rogers argued that his philosophy of education was applicable regardless of age and level of ability. Indeed, this is perhaps best evidenced through his discussion of student-centered practices, which included examples taken from the education of adolescents through to University students (Rogers, 1969) Humanistic approach is evident to see in a Montessori environment due to the fact the center of the learner as an individual is not just focus on the intellect, but educating the whole person, by using a person’s interests, enthusiasm and goals into account, resulting in student’s full potential being exposed. Students get to experience to take responsibility for their own learning (Sharp A. 2012). Rodgers like Montessori was an educator and applied the person-centered approach to education Rodger believed that trusting one’s experiences and believing in one’s self are the most important elements of self-fulfillment. (Psychology.jrank.org, 2019). Carl Rogers was a gifted teacher. His approach grew from his emphasis in one-to-one professional encounters. He saw himself as a facilitator which created the environment for engagement
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