
2017-06-09 01:21

Reliable data illustrating the relationship between technology use and people with disabilities is limited, and specific data on social media use and people with learning disabilities is non-existent. Comparing findings from several surveys found 44.7% (Participation and Activity Limitation Survey, 2006) of adults with disabilities used the internet in 2005-2006, compared to 73% (Canada, Canadian Internet Use Survey, 2009) of those without disabilities. According to the Participation and Activity Limitation Survey (2006), 74.5% of people with a reported learning condition used the Internet in the previous 12 months, and 75% said it helped them be better informed about the world. Data from a provincial review of Adult Special Education (ASE) programming in British Columbia found 75% of students in ASE identify as having a learning disability and 72% of students in ASE read at less than a Grade 7 level (Education, BC Stats, 2006). While research studies often include questions relating to disability and literacy, a lack of consistency with definitions and understandings of the concepts result in inconclusive findings.Although anybody with internet access can use social media, many tools show a low level of accessibility (OBSERVATORY, 2010). Research has found that popular social networking sites have signficant accessbilitiy issues. The use of CAPTCHAS - Completely Automated Public Turing Test To Tell Computers and Humans Apart - which are used to prevent spam programs from accessing the site often prevented users with vision loss the ability to even register for an account. Other serious barriers included the excessive use of links and advertisments, which make it difficult for screen readers to access information (American Foundation for the Blind). Some popular social networks offer more accessible programming alternatives such as Accessbile Twitter and Easy YouTube, but further research exploring the extent of accessability is needed.