
2017-06-20 22:18

管理时间——我使用有效地管理时间的策略。作为一名大学生,我必须意识到浪费时间。因为没有人会照顾我,总是试图给我建议,所以我必须自我激励。为了提高和发展我的时间管理技能,我经常使用一些节省时间的技巧,为了节省时间做笔记时,每个主要点都应该写在不同的纸上,因为这样可以帮助我在写报告或作业时快速获得信息和想法。并从来源的页码和参考书的标题,也应该添加到笔记中。为了节省时间,当组织,更好的方式使用数字和荧光笔在不同的页面组信息和写作业直接在计算机上使用的相关结构格式也是一个节省时间的策略-美国(2008,p 73)。优先任务按期限是很重要的。它帮助我防止迟交作业。因此,“优先组织者”,我可以用来列出所有想做的事情,突出必要的任务,纽约代写Essay:管理时间 确定最紧急的任务来完成。日记和计划是写所有的研究期限,有用的考试日期,约会和添加特定的学习任务-美国(2008,PP 68-69)。
Managing Time - I used strategies for manage my time effectively. As a university student I must be aware of wasting time. Because no one going to look after me and trying to give advices always, I have to be self motivate. To improve and develop my time management skills there were some time saving tips I used to follow,To save time when making note each major point should write on a different paper because it helps me to get information and ideas quickly when writing a report or assignment. And also getting notes from sources page number and reference book title should add in to the note. To save time when organising, better way to use numbers and highlighter pens to group information on different pages and write assignments directly onto a computer using relevant structure format is also a time saving strategy Cottrell S. (2008, p 73).Prioritise tasks according to deadlines is very important. It helps me to prevent from late assignment submission. So 'priority organiser' I can use for write list of everything wanted to do by, highlighting essential tasks and identify most urgent tasks to complete first. Diary and planner is useful to write all the study deadlines, exam dates, appointments and to add very specific study tasks Cottrell S. (2008, pp 70-71).