
2019-02-11 02:15

总之,在短时间内,医疗行业最好是培养人才,而不是购买。英国退欧后,医疗行业更明智的做法是专注于内部劳动力市场,因为这将增强员工对工作的奉献精神,并给他们带来更大的安全感,使他们不会担心退欧的后果。自英国退欧事件发生以来,医疗行业无论如何都希望留住自己的员工,因为这些员工大多是欧盟国家的员工,通常是医生或护士,他们技能高超,有资格为英国人民服务。医疗行业要避免在英国退欧谈判和协议达成后开始产生负面影响,就应该在处理劳动力和留住员工方面提前做好准备。影响医疗行业的英国退欧的另一个挑战是“劳动力市场的灵活性”。这意味着,当工作需求增加时,组织有更多的自由雇佣员工并向他们提供合同,当工作需求减少时,组织有权力解雇员工。另一方面,由于缺乏足够的工作人员来满足英国公民的需求和提供服务,医疗行业一直处于压力之下(Mundasad, 2017)。此外,全民公投的结果可能会导致在医疗行业招聘员工的问题比以往更多,因为这些员工中的大多数是来自欧盟国家的医生和护士(Triggle, 2016)。当非欧盟公民申请在英国工作时,他们必须遵循“基于积分的制度”,这导致招募非欧盟公民员工的困难(Landou, 2016)。一旦英国退欧得到解决,欧盟的行动自由将面临被剥夺的风险,这可能对医疗行业造成巨大影响,因为这将对招聘员工造成限制,因此将导致员工的巨大短缺。这些影响将影响员工的能力,谁带来正确的技能和能力,需要医疗部门。因此,为了解决这一问题,医疗行业最好让员工参与一个国际项目,这样他们就可以提高自己的技能和知识。
Altogether, for a short period of time it will be best for the healthcare sector to make their talent rather than buying. It is smarter for the healthcare sector to concentrate on the internal labour markets after Brexit, on the grounds that this will build the dedication of employees in the job they do and giving them greater security so that they do not fear the consequences of Brexit. Since the matter of Brexit arose, the healthcare sector would in any case still want to keep their staff, as majority of these are EU national staff and are usually doctors or nurses that are highly skilled and qualified to serve the people of UK. For the healthcare sector to avoid any negative consequences which will begin to impact after the negotiations and agreement of Brexit, they should prepare themselves beforehand in regards to handling the workforce and retaining employees.Another challenge of Brexit that impacts the healthcare sector is ‘flexible to labour market’. The meaning of this is that the organisations have more freedom to hire and provide contracts to employees when the demands of work increases, and they have the power to fire the workers when demand of work decreases. On the other hand, healthcare sector has been in stress many times because of shortage in staff to fulfil the needs and providing service to the citizens of UK (Mundasad, 2017). Besides, the verdict of referendum could prompt to having a bigger number of issues than before on recruiting workers in the healthcare sector as majority of these workers are doctors and nurses who are recruited from EU nations (Triggle, 2016). When non-EU nationals apply to work within UK, they have to follow the ‘points-based system’ which causes difficulties in recruiting employees other than EU nationals (Landou, 2016). Once the Brexit is settled, there will be a risk off EU’s freedom of movement to be removed and this could cause huge implications on the healthcare sector as this will put on boundaries on recruiting employees, therefore this will lead to a huge deficiency of workers. These implications will affect the capacity of the employees who bring the right skills and abilities that is required by the healthcare sector. Therefore, to beat this issue it will be best for the healthcare sector to send their employees on an international project so they could develop on their skills and knowledge.