英国南安普顿代写 大多数病例

2020-06-12 00:01

大多数病例都是由急诊室报告的,而急诊室是大多数受害者选择去的地方。急诊科是受害者/病人安全的地方。然而,考虑到受害者的严重性,急诊室里很少有人有时间和耐心。这时法医护士就会进来,按照病人的节奏工作,这样他们就能了解病人的病情,尽可能让病人感到舒服。到急诊科就诊的许多受害者/病人是性侵犯、儿童或老人虐待的受害者,或已经有需要照顾和情感支持的案件。(Nies & McEwen, 2019)一名性侵犯护士审查员(SANE)护士在与患者/受害者一起工作、收集他们的故事以及适当处理证据收集方面接受了广泛的培训。性侵犯性质的检查可能需要5个小时。很多时候,这些护士随叫随到。要获得这一成人和儿科认证,护士必须从事至少两年的工作,完成40小时的教学,并通过性侵犯考试来证明自己的能力。(Nies & McEwen, 2019)急诊部门雇佣临床法医护士审查员。这些护士接受过帮助身心创伤、毒物急救、家庭暴力和大规模伤亡事件的幸存者的培训。职责是适当地收集和保存证据,并遵循适当的保管链。记录通常从急诊科开始,可以对法律决定产生重大影响。法医精神病护士帮助法律和精神系统为等待审判的受害者提供护理。这一立场是在提供支持时保持中立和客观。这位护士经常对了解精神疾病和人格障碍感兴趣。护士提供信息,如理智能力评估,评估能力制定意图,筛查性侵犯者,可以是证人证词方面的专家。
英国南安普顿代写 大多数病例
 Most cases are reported from the Emergency Department which is where most of the victims choose to go. An Emergency Department is a safe place for a victim/patient to be. However, given the gravity of the victim very few people in an emergency department have the gift of time and patience. This is where a forensic nurse comes in and works at the patient’s pace, so they can obtain the story and make the patient feel as comfortable as they can. Many victims/patients that present to the  Emergency Department are victims of sexual assault, child or elder abuse or have an already active case in which they need care emotional support. (Nies & McEwen, 2019) A Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE) nurse has extensive training in working with patients/victims in collecting their stories as well as appropriately handling evidence collection. An exam of a sexual assault nature can take up to five hours. Many times, these nurses work on call. To have this certification for both adult and pediatric a nurse must be practicing for at least two years, complete a forty-hour didactic instruction as well as demonstrate competencies sexual assault exams. (Nies & McEwen, 2019) Clinical Forensic Nurse Examiners are employed by Emergency Departments. These nurses are trained in helping survivors of physical and emotional trauma, toxicologic emergencies, domestic violence and mass casualty incidents. There duties are to properly collect and preserve evidence and follow proper chain of custody. Documentation often starts in the Emergency Department and can have a major impact on legal decisions. Forensic Psychiatric Nurses aid legal and mental system’s in providing care to victims that may be awaiting trial. This position is to remain neutral and objective when providing support. This nurse often has an interest in understanding mental illnesses and personality disorders. This nurse provides information such as sanity competency evaluations, assessments of capacity to formulate intent, sexual predator screenings and can be an expert in witness testimony.
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