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英国Communication essay代写 沟通
2020-02-15 02:27

英国Communication essay代写 沟通
According to Susan C. Herring (1996), Computer Mediated Communication is “communication that takes place between human brings via the instrumentality of computers”. In the modern era, computers would also define smart phones, tablets and similar communication devices as computers and they have constant communication abilities. Within Revenue, e-mail would have to the most common means of communication, allowing the one message to be communicated to one or many recipients. Email is instant and currently allows for the delivery of attachments, files, meeting requests and it also links to the users calendar, assisting with planning and time management. Email also allows for planned prose. The use of email creates an opportunity also for subordinates in an organisation to communicate with higher management without a high level of anxiety or fear. Within Revenue, most staff are at their desks and communicate mainly with email. The drawbacks attached to email however, is that accessibility to other members within the organisation is greater now. Customs officers now have smart phones assigned to them so that they can provide twenty four hour cover. With email access on these phones, they are now accessible at all times, whether they want to or not. Security is a risk to organisations now with cyber attacks. With more staff with access to email, the risk of attack is greater and therefore, a greater emphasis is placed on security, especially with the high income of emails from the public every day. The ease of emails and the frequency of their use have also reduced the instances for interpersonal and face to face communication. A fault of this is that individuals lose their skills for interpersonal communication and due to this, text in an email can be misinterpreted.
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