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Management Essay代写:腐败或退化
2017-02-22 16:11

For the relation between Corruption or Degradation of Human Values and Disaster Management, the main goal of disaster management is being hampered. Now here it will be tried to discuss the relation between disaster management and corruption or the corrupted politicians or politics. With some examples it will be tried to explain. The natural disaster in Uttarakhand which is very recent incident is the best example to understand the relation between disaster management and corruption. Many cities of Uttarakhand stand devastated. With homes gone and connectivity snapped, most of the towns and villages in affected areas wear a deserted, ghost-town like look. But, at the same time, the developments in the aftermath of the man-made disaster have also reaffirmed the strengthening perception of the masses about the callousness of politicians and politicians-controlled bureaucratic apparatus in dealing with the concerns of the common men, the proclaimed basic entity of the masses in a democratic (read pseudo-democratic) set-up like India. As usual, in the aftermath of a man-made disaster, the blame game got uglier each passing day with more skeletons tumbling out. Experts say Uttarakhand has witnessed a boom of unplanned development in recent years. Fragile ecology of the state has been manipulated beyond a point of reconciliation with the nature. Riverbeds and riverfronts are encroached heavily. Dozens of hydroelectric power projects (45 operational and over 100 under development) and hundreds of big and small dams crisscross the state. Environmentalists, activists and scientists have been regularly raising voices against sanctioning so many hydroelectric power projects and dams without the necessary scientific studies. But politicians always slept on the reports; always killed the warnings. In fact, they vehemently pleaded with the central government to de-notify the preserved areas and not to notify more areas as sensitive ecological zones that prohibit any activity detrimental to the ecological balance.