
2019-12-31 09:48

在特定的年份里,自从制造无人机技术,设备一直是我们人类的优势。一些潜在的好处是高质量的摄像机,它可以从60000英尺的高度识别一个小尺寸的物体。无人机还向地面控制操作员提供前方几英里处的物体的实时图像;地面操作员随后可以转换图像,以便对部署边界巡逻进行决策。此外,边境地区使用的无人机可以在不更换电池或燃料的情况下飞行30小时,这可以与平均飞行时间为2小时的直升机相比。与飞机和直升机相比,无人机具有长期的重要作战优势。无人驾驶飞机在边境巡逻时也很重要。如果一个非法的人试图越过边境没有适当的许可证,或试图通过山区,无人机有机会用它的探测器传感器发现违反者,这是不可能的仅仅是视力。尽管无人机在国土安全方面得到了很好的应用,但也遇到了一些限制问题。有一些视频平民试图探索他们的全部潜力的无人机,这可能涉及无人机携带隐蔽武器或个人努力探索与无人机在人口稠密区域,乍得c Haddal耶利米Gertler称“有问题关于无人机的事故率,可以多次高于载人飞机”(Haddal Gertler)。这是因为全球技术仍在不断发展之中,无人机有时很难找到或发现重大问题时参与碰撞与载人飞机,如果系统失败,美国联邦航空局NTSB负责或在一个唯一的位置找到问题的根源,因为距离。
 Within the given years, since the manufacture of the drone technology, the device has always been in an advantage to us the humans. Some potential benefits are the quality cameras, which can identify a small size object from the height of 60,000ft high. Drones also give a real time image of an object form miles ahead to a ground control operator; the ground operator could then transform the image for a decision making regarding the deployment border patrol. Additionally, drones used within the border areas can fly a longer period ranging from 30 hours without changing the battery or refueling, this could be compared to helicopters, which averages the flight time 2 hours. Drones have a prolonged important of operational advantage over airplanes and helicopters.The unmanned aircraft can also be of a real importance when it comes to border patrol. If an illegal person attempts to cross the border without a proper licensing, or trying to go through the mountains, the UAV has the chance to spot the violator with its detector sensor, which would be impossible for the mere eyesight.Despite the good use of the UAVs for homeland security, there are also some limitation problems that have been encountered. There has been some video footage with civilians trying to explore the drones to their full potential, this could involve the drones carrying a concealed weapon or an individual trying to explore with the drone in a populated area, Chad C. Haddal and Jeremiah Gertler stated “there have been concerns regarding the accident rate of UAVs, which can be multiple times higher than that of manned aircraft” (Haddal, Gertler). This is because the technology is still evolving around the globe, the UAV is sometime hard to find or detect a major issue when involved in a crash unlike the manned aircraft, which if the system fails, the FAA or NTSB is responsible or in a sole position of finding the source of the problem because of the proximity.