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英国利物浦代写Essay 澳洲劳动力
2020-02-24 19:37

英国利物浦代写Essay 澳洲劳动力
The authors review the influence in gender inequality since the Australian labour force has experienced policy changes since mid 1980s. The authors aim to review the patterns of gender inequity in the Australian labour market over the period. Since 1980s, neoliberalism has increased. The neoliberal approach advocated a reduce role of government and an increased the role of market-driven solutions designed to create a “free market” environment (O’Connor et al. 1999). “Australian settlement” (Buchanan&Watson 2001) established of various policies and state based structures to work to reduce gender discriminiation in the labour force because gender inequality was a key feature. They also introduced Auatrlian Workplace Agreements (AWAs) is to encourage the employers and the employees to negoitate the “ flexibility” in the workforce and it would benefit to women because it allowed the employees to discuss the working arrangement with the employers (Wailes& Lansbury 1999). An ABS business survey in 2004 illustrated that women’s average earnings on AWAs are below the average earnings of women on enterprise bargaining agreements (EBAs).
van Gellecum, Y, Baxter, J & Western, M 2008, ‘Neoliberalism, gender inequality and the Australian labour market’, Journal of Sociology, vol. 44, no. 1, pp. 45-63.
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