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2017-04-21 12:49

The Shakespearean model of tragedy, based on classical models of drama set out in Aristotle’s Poetics, demands harsh justice which results in the downfall and eventual death of the tragic hero. Without exception in Shakespeare’s tragedies, the hero must die in the final act: Othello, unable to live with the murder of an innocent women on his hands, kills himself. Hamlet, attempting to bring his father’s murderer to justice, is himself killed by a poison-laced sword. Macbeth, having far over-reached his political and militaristic ambition, is beheaded in a duel. King Lear, enduring misfortune and loss throughout his life, dies heartbroken and alone. Writing in Poetics, Aristotle defines classical tragedy as that which arouses “pity and fear in such a way as to accomplish a catharsis of such emotions”.[4] The catharsis is essential to the tragic form; the audience must feel a purge of emotions at the conclusion of the tragedy, usually accomplished by a just punishment and re-establishment of the divine and social hierarchy. The final act is, then, a redemptive act which seeks to put to rights the misfortunes and hubris which disrupted the natural order. In the Bible, the relationship between God and mankind is portrayed in a hierarchical structure of human relationships: as king and subject, father and child, master and servant. As such, the inferiority of mankind is at the root of tensions in man’s relationship to God. Job is a puppet at the centre of a confrontation between God and Satan, and his loss of faith is a result of the impenetrability of the divine plan. Likewise, Shakespeare’s divine figures use disguise and dissimulation to test the loyalty of their subjects and friends, much as God tests Job, Jacob and Abraham with enigmatic ordeals.
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