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2017-04-17 00:36

Apart from the more generalised approaches to rehabilitating prisoners, there are also certain types of prisoners who require specific care if their rehabilitation is to be considered in any way effective. One of the largest groups comprises those prisoners who have some kind of mental health problem. O’Grady (2003) has identified that many of the generalised programmes of prisoner rehabilitation cannot be taken advantage of by those suffering from many mental health problems. Prisoners with, for example, learning difficulties, personality disorders or other social and cognitive problems will find it difficult to benefit from interventions that require group interactions and other types of group work.The statistics on the prevalence of mental disorders among prisoners show that the problem is extremely large. Gunn, Maden & Swinton (1991) found that, amongst sentenced prisoners, mental health problems were experienced by 57% of females and 37% of males. Similarly, Maden, Taylor, Brooke & Gunn (1995) found that, amongst prisoners on remand, levels of mental ill health were 76% amongst females and 63% amongst males. Many, though, with mental disorders have more than one diagnosis. Singleton, Meltzer & Gatward (1998) found that eight out of ten prisoners had a dual diagnosis, while only one in ten were free of any kind of mental illness. One major problem that has been seen in prisons is the simple failure to identify mental ill health. Birmingham, Mason & Grubin (1996), for example, examined those on remand at Durham prison and found that 26% had mental health problems with one-third of these being of a serious nature. The majority of these disorders had not been identified by the standard prison screening procedure. Recent research has pointed to integrated treatment pathways as the best way of treating dual diagnosis patients