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英国essay代写 博士学会
2020-02-07 09:05

英国essay代写 博士学会
A professional doctorate such as a D.B.A. can provide tools and skills that can improve a specific problem in the workplace (Banerjee and Morley, 2013). Unlike a traditional Ph.D., the research of a D.B.A. is typically centered in a professional area of expertise as opposed to a university or other academic setting (Costley and Lester, 2012). According to Jones (2018), employers are looking for specific skills and qualifications that a traditional Ph.D. doesn’t always provide and are more relevant to the needs of business and the growth of the economy. To meet the challenges of a changing climate in the workforce, many types of degree programs being offered at higher education institutions are adapting to the emerging needs of the business environment. Tennant urges us to understand that a D.B.A. moves us beyond the application of knowledge in practice and moves us towards the generation of knowledge from within the practice itself . When pursuing a D.B.A., one should apply critical thinking designed to understand the nature of the problem, the desired end state or solution, and how the research will apply to the outcome. One should also consider what is already known and how previous experiences can be used to develop knowledge. Costly and Lester (2012) explain, “The essential principles of the work-based doctorate are that it uses the candidate’s experience and context as a starting point”. Other researchers have supported this understanding by stating, “The knowledge developed is used to solve practical problems in the workplace. The extent to which managers actually use this knowledge depends on how this knowledge is disseminated, whether the findings are expressed in a manner accessible to practitioners, and the managerial capacity and skills required to implement the research”
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