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2018-05-07 20:35
很多时候,我们为孩子提供的工具,为了提高他们的教育经验,被证明是他们必须首先征服的障碍。美国作家汤姆·博德特曾经说过:“学校和生活的区别是什么?”在学校里,你被教授了一课,然后进行了测试。在生活中,你得到的是一个给你一个教训的考试。这是我们在研究计算机对学生的影响时必须使用的方法。现代社会面临着一项艰巨的任务,即为下一代提供所有必要的技术手段,以获得全面的教育,即使它努力掌握所提供的工具。随着现代社会看到数字时代的转变,学校也不受影响。从早期的计算机和相关的技术开始进入学校的设置。主要的论点是,电脑将为孩子们提供研究的可能性,这些可能性延伸到图书馆或教室的墙外。将技术引入课堂的原因是麻省理工学院的数学家Seymour Papert领导的。起初,Papert试图改变孩子们使用的解决问题的方法,让他们完全沉浸在体验中。他的想法是有道理的,他领导了数百间教室,在全国范围内接收电脑。与所有的倡议一样,如果不加以实施、支持、培育和试验,它将远远达不到预期;这正是全国数百间教室里上演的一幕。英国达特茅斯代写Essay:教育经验
Often times, the very tools that we provide children with, in order to enhance their educational experience, prove to be roadblocks that they must conquer first. American author Tom Bodett once said, "the difference between school and life? In school, you're taught a lesson and then given a test. In life, you're given a test that teaches you a lesson." This is the approach we must use when studying the effeteness of computers of computers on our students. Modern society faces the difficult task of providing the next generation with all of the technological tools necessary to gain a comprehensive education, even while it struggles to master the implements provided. As modern society sees a shift into digital age, schools were not left unaffected. Beginning in the early computers and related technology were place into school settings. The major argument was that computers would provide children with research possibilities that extended beyond the walls of a library or classroom.The cause of introducing technology into the classroom was spear-headed by, Massachusetts Institute of Technology mathematician, Seymour Papert. Papert sought, at first, to change the problem solving method children used by allowing them to be fully submerged in the experience. His ideas warranted a trail, and led hundreds of classrooms, across the nation to receive computers. As with all initiatives, if not implemented, supported, nurtured, and tested with the utmost care, it will fall far short of expectations; this is precisely the scenario that played out in these hundreds of classrooms across the nation.
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