
2017-07-01 17:08

这个循环说明了教师为满足最佳实践所需要的不懈的方法。为了使教师对能力有足够的认识,并制定适当的挑战性工作,必须采用评估。这显然与计划组织这样的工作有联系,允许有效的教学和进步的学习。当教师收集到这一群体的知识时,他们往往需要基线数据来帮助他们自己的判断。经常使用诊断性评估(DA),它涉及教师根据一个给定的标准(一个潜在的总结性任务)评估学生的进步,使他们能够了解他们计划有效学习的下一步(主要是形成性任务)。关于形成性评价、终结性评价,还是个体化、个体化的问题,存在着争论。在我看来,由于它的性质,确定以前的知识,长处,弱点和技能,以通知规划,这是一个学习过程评估的一部分。事实上,DA可能是2次评估中的一个重叠区域,以更具总结性或形成性的方式完成,在很大程度上取决于教学风格和偏好。完成DA之后,上述循环将成为教师固有的重点。强调O'Neill & ockmore(2006),评价不应被视为一个独立的实体,而是一个嵌入的原则为其他元素都依赖于这种发展和进步有效。通过总结性或诊断性评价所确定的水平,教师可以提高学习和将来的成就。以黑色和威廉有影响的论文(1998)“黑盒子里;通过课堂评估”表明,形成性评价具有举足轻重的作用,提高标准,提高标准,特别是当学生积极地参与到评价的过程;和评估的结果是用来告知规划。这些信息对教师来说是无价的。正如通过学习周期评估所提到的,它对于规划规划和促进有效的教学和学习是至关重要的。通过将学生纳入学习过程,注重学习和反馈的质量,可以提高教育和学习标准。此外,布莱克和威廉(1998)探索发展改进区域;提供有证据支持形成性评价方法的改进;说明过程需要进一步的发展。
The cycle illustrated reflects the relentless approach needed by teachers to meet best practice. Assessment must be used in order for the teacher to glean understanding of ability and set appropriately challenging work. This clearly links to planning to organise such work, allowing effective teaching and progressive learning. As teachers glean this knowledge of the group, they often require baseline data to assist their own judgments. Diagnostic Assessment (DA) is often used; it involves teachers assessing pupils' progress against a given criteria (a potentially summative task), allowing them to become informed about their next steps in planning for effective learning (a largely formative task). There is debate over DA forming a part of formative assessment, summative assessment or being an individual, separate entity. In my opinion, due to its very nature of ascertaining previous knowledge, strengths, weaknesses and skills to inform planning, it is a part of the assessment for learning process. Indeed the DA may be an overlapping area of the 2 strands of assessment; completed in a more summative or formative way, largely depending on teaching style and preference.Upon completion of DA, the continual cycle mentioned above will become an inherent focus for the teacher. As emphasised by O'Neill & Ockmore (2006), assessment should not be viewed as a separate entity, but rather an imbedded principle as the other elements are dependent on this to develop and progress effectively. Using the levels ascertained in summative or diagnostic assessment, the teacher can then enhance learning and future attainment. An influential paper by Black and Wiliam (1998) "Inside The Black Box; raising standards through classroom assessment" showed formative assessment to have a pivotal role in raising standards, particularly when students are actively involved in the assessment process; and the results of assessments are used to inform planning. This information is invaluable to teachers. As mentioned via the learning cycle assessment is vital to inform planning and thus facilitating effective teaching and learning. By incorporating students into the process, focusing on quality of learning and feedback, educational and learning standards can be raised. Additionally, Black and Wiliam (1998) explored developmental areas for improvement; providing some indication of evidence to support particular improvements of formative assessment methodology; indicating that the process requires further developments.