英国教育学essay代写 情感的和政治的资源

2020-03-02 05:08

因此,露西讨论了通过运用“分析的、情感的和政治的资源”来浪漫化文本的效果,消除了“破坏了文学文本价值”的潜在意义/定义。他简要介绍了法国哲学家雅克·德里达,他以解构主义作品和文本语境的需要而闻名。这与理论家罗兰·巴特的《作者之死》正好相反。露西透露巴特的“作者之死”理论和理论家的过渡从结构主义到post-structuralist,露西补充道“[w] e看到巴特从结构主义到什么将成为一个多样性的论辩调查(poststructuralism)后现代文学等叙事方法分类的一个悖论,一个不可靠叙述。后现代主义作品被认为是对启蒙思想(后现代性)和现代主义文学的“回归”。这类文献经常挑战分类或定义。让-弗朗索瓦·利奥塔的《后现代状态:知识报告》(1979年)和其他作品的特点是元叙事、普遍性的不断冲突,并对启蒙运动的许多主张提出了批评。劳伦斯·斯特恩(Laurence Sterne)的《感伤之旅》(牛津:牛津大学出版社:2008)就是一个文学例子。这是一部后现代主义小说,讲述了一个虚伪的叙述者,约里克和他过去的旅行经历,典型的是他的情色遭遇被大大夸大,以满足他的自我和欲望。
英国教育学essay代写 情感的和政治的资源
Lucy discusses the effect of romanticizing texts via the applying ‘analytical, emotional and political resources’ therefore, eliminating potential meanings/definitions which has ‘damaged the value of literary texts’. He Briefly introduces French philosopher Jacques Derrida who is well-known for his deconstruction work and the need for context in relation to a text. This counteracts theorist Roland Barthes’ “The Death of the Author”.Lucy discloses Barthes’ theory “The Death of the Author” and the theorist’s transition from structuralist to post-structuralist, as Lucy adds ‘[w]e see Barthes move from structuralism to what will become a multiplicity of poststructuralist investigations (poststructuralism)’Postmodern literature is categorized by narrative methods such as a paradox and an unreliable narrative. Postmodern-works are perceived as a ‘comeback’ against the following of Enlightenment thinking (postmodernity) and Modernist access to literature. This type of literature frequently challenges categorisations or definitions. Jean-François Lyotard’s The Postmodern Condition: A Report on Knowledge (1979) and other works are characterised by a constant conflict of meta-narratives, generality and is critical of many claims of the Enlightenment. A literary example of this is A Sentimental Journey (Oxford: Oxford University Press: 2008) by Laurence Sterne. A postmodern novel which features a deceitful narrator, Yorick and his past travel experiences, typically his erotic encounters which are greatly exaggerated to fuel his ego and desires。