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英国教育学essay代写 情感的和政治的资源
2020-03-02 05:08

英国教育学essay代写 情感的和政治的资源
Lucy discusses the effect of romanticizing texts via the applying ‘analytical, emotional and political resources’ therefore, eliminating potential meanings/definitions which has ‘damaged the value of literary texts’. He Briefly introduces French philosopher Jacques Derrida who is well-known for his deconstruction work and the need for context in relation to a text. This counteracts theorist Roland Barthes’ “The Death of the Author”.Lucy discloses Barthes’ theory “The Death of the Author” and the theorist’s transition from structuralist to post-structuralist, as Lucy adds ‘[w]e see Barthes move from structuralism to what will become a multiplicity of poststructuralist investigations (poststructuralism)’Postmodern literature is categorized by narrative methods such as a paradox and an unreliable narrative. Postmodern-works are perceived as a ‘comeback’ against the following of Enlightenment thinking (postmodernity) and Modernist access to literature. This type of literature frequently challenges categorisations or definitions. Jean-François Lyotard’s The Postmodern Condition: A Report on Knowledge (1979) and other works are characterised by a constant conflict of meta-narratives, generality and is critical of many claims of the Enlightenment. A literary example of this is A Sentimental Journey (Oxford: Oxford University Press: 2008) by Laurence Sterne. A postmodern novel which features a deceitful narrator, Yorick and his past travel experiences, typically his erotic encounters which are greatly exaggerated to fuel his ego and desires。
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