
2018-07-11 15:05

在整个课程中,我不断地问问题,以使我能够评估孩子们的理解能力,评估常见的错误,分析他们的方法,探索他们的语言和词汇。克拉克斯顿说:“好的学习始于问题,而不是答案。”(1990: 78)我确保在主要活动和全体会议上提出开放式问题,因为我想更多地了解学生的理解,并利用他们的观点集中讨论概念。Kyriacou说,“开放和高阶的问题更需要智力和刺激。”(1995: 38)然而,在心理/口头上,我倾向于问一些封闭的问题,以保持节奏流畅。我尽量确保在每个问题之后给孩子们“思考时间”,这样他们就不会感到压力。Harries和Spooner说:“被要求迅速做出反应被认为是非常焦虑的一个来源。”(2000: 36)这就是为什么我决定给儿童数字的粉丝们一个答案,这样他们就不会感到为难。然而,我可能给了他们太长的时间来回答,因为其他同学稍微失去了注意力。我可以用一个策略来避免这个问题,那就是问一个孩子一个问题,给他们时间思考一个答案,然后问班上的其他孩子问题,然后再回到给他们时间回答的学生那里。这也能让我保持节奏流畅,帮助每个人发挥自己的潜力。我不得不试着我的整个课堂教学的速度保持在正确的水平,随着类的各种各样的学习者有不同的能力,因此走得太快可能导致低能力学生迷路,太慢可能意味着高能力学生不受到挑战。Wajnryb说:“那些学习速度比课程速度快的学生容易感到无聊,失去动力,不喜欢上课。
I continued to ask questions throughout the lesson to enable me to assess children's understanding, assessing common mistakes, analysing their methods and explore their language and vocabulary. Claxton says "good learning starts with questions, not answers." (1990: 78) I ensured I was asking open ended questions in the main activity and plenary because I wanted to find out more about pupil's understanding and to use their ideas to focus discussion about concepts. Kyriacou says that "open and higher-order questions are more intellectually demanding and stimulating." (1995: 38) However during the mental/oral I tended to ask closed questions to keep the pace flowing. I tried to ensure I was giving the children 'thinking time' after each question so they did not feel under pressure. Harries and Spooner say: "Being asked to respond at speed is identified as a source of great anxiety." (2000: 36) This is why I decided to give the children number fans to show their answer, so they did not feel put on the spot. However I may have given them too long to answer as the rest of the class lost focus slightly. One strategy I could have used to avoid this was to ask a child a question, give them time to think about an answer, then ask other children in the class questions before returning to the pupil who had been given time for a response. This also would have enabled me to keep the pace flowing and help everyone reach their potential. I had to try and keep the pace of my whole class teaching at the correct level, as the class has a wide variety of learners with different abilities, therefore going too fast could cause the lower ability pupils to become lost and going too slow could mean the higher ability pupils are not being challenged. Wajnryb says: "Students whose learning pace is faster than the pace of the lesson are prone to becoming bored, losing motivation and tuning out of the lesson.