英国艺术论文代写 烙印

2020-05-25 02:19

在《烙印》中,我们看到了萨维尔的头和脸,但她的眼睛很难看到。在我们今天生活的这个以阴茎为中心的社会中,她有意挑战男性的凝视,而不是在她半闭着眼睛、懒洋洋地看着我们的时候,给我们真正的眼神接触带来的满足感。这是积极的挑战观众与她的参与,而她是毫无歉意的自己,绝对否认任何物化。再一次,通过这种手法,我们看到了她反抗根深蒂固的父权制的欲望,即女性要顺从,要被看到,而不是被听到。因此,想象一下我们所面对的沉默的女人——通过她的眼神交流是尖锐的。对于本文的目的来说,这可能是一个合适的点,当然男人受脂肪和审查以及女性的歧视,然而,在珍妮·萨维尔的艺术品和特定品牌也许不那么相关点。然而,讨论现代男性在外表(和行为)上的相似压力同样重要,有毒的男子气概是一个迫切的问题。由于男性裸体通过诸如Leochares的阿波罗观景台(Belvedere Apollo,图3)等影响现代主义的媒介呈现,男性也很难像女性一样被主观地描绘出来。这么说的话,男人往往不会有完全相同的父权期望是看不见的,因此他们作为男性的特权允许他们有更多的接受在社会中拥有更多的身体脂肪。综上所述,我相信Jenny Saville在她的画作中向我们展示了这些女性,就像brand一样,让我们思考当代社会和我们所扮演的个人角色。萨维尔为我们观众提供了一个积极参与并亲自完成作品的机会。珍妮·萨维尔的女性作品打破了传统的为艺术而艺术的观念,挑战了与性别有关的主动和被动的刻板印象。我完全相信詹妮·萨维尔是一个自爱的积极分子,她的艺术表达了自爱,并鼓励其他人这样做,这在当今社会是非常重要的。我看着自己的参与她的艺术作品在辩论协会的作者得出结论,她参与自己的作品为观众联系起来的能力是必要的但不是绝对必要的,所看到的萨维尔表示,只有她的脸,而不是实际的身体。我已经考虑了品牌的实际位置的重要性,并从中得出结论,因为这幅画的绝对——几乎是压倒性的——规模,一个白立方美学与这幅作品很好地配合。我研究了这对艺术家,艺术品和观众之间的关系产生的影响得出的结论是让观众意识到自己的渺小然后让他们意识到自己在文化中的角色。反过来,让观众为作品的完成做出贡献——我相信这是詹妮·萨维尔的本意。
英国艺术论文代写 烙印
In Branded we see Saville’s head and face but her eyes are difficult to see. She is purposefully challenging the male gaze in the phallocentric society we live in today and not giving us the satisfaction of actual eye contact with her eyes being half shut and lazy looking. This is actively challenging the viewer to engage with her whilst she is being unapologetically herself and absolutely denying any objectification. Again, through this technique we see her defying the well-established patriarchy desires for women to be obedient, to be seen beautifully and not heard. Therefore, think the silence the woman we are confronted with- through her use of eye contact is strident. For the purpose of this essay, this is probably a suitable point to mention that of course men are subject to fat discrimination and scrutiny as well as women, however, in the context of Jenny Saville’s artwork and for the particular piece Branded it is perhaps a less relevant point. It is, however, just as important to discuss the similar pressures put on modern men to look (and act) a certain way, with Toxic Masculinity as an imperative issue. With the male nude being presented through mediums such as the sculpture Belvedere Apollo by Leochares (Figure 3) influencing modernism, it is equally difficult for men to be portrayed subjectively as it is for women. Saying this, men tend not to have the exact same patriarchal expectations to be invisible, therefore their privilege as a male allows them to have more acceptance within society to possess more body fat.In conclusion, I believe Jenny Saville has presented us with these women in her paintings, like Branded, to make us think about contemporary society and our individual roles we play. Saville has given us the spectator an opportunity to have an active engagement and to complete the artwork ourselves. Instead of the conventional art for art’s sake, Jenny Saville’s women have challenged stereotypes of the active and passive in relation to genders. I wholeheartedly believe Jenny Saville is an activist for self-love, something that comes through her art and encourages others to do so, which is majorly important today’s society. I have looked into her own involvement in her art pieces in association to the Authorship debate and come to the conclusion that her involvement in her own artwork is necessary for the spectator’s ability to relate but not absolutely essential, as seen by Saville’s representation of only her face and not her actual body. I have considered the importance of the actual location of Branded and deducted that because of the sheer- almost overwhelming- the scale of the painting, a White Cube aesthetic works well with this piece. I have looked at this in relation to how this impacts the relationship between the Artist, the piece of art and the spectator and came to the decision that is was to make viewers aware of their smallness subsequently making them conscious of their roles in culture. By doing this in turn, makes viewers contribute to the completion of the piece- something in which I believe Jenny Saville intended.
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