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英国文学作业代写 淑女的典范
2020-04-13 04:33

英国文学作业代写 淑女的典范
Another female who was objectified was Willy’s mother. The Loman family history can be pieced together through Willy’s flashback conversation with Ben(partly with his conversation with Charley) and his present conversation with Howard. Apparently, Father Loman was a travelling maker and seller of flutes who went off to seek adventure in Alaska and deserted Mother, leaving her with two boys to raise alone. Then Ben ran off when he was seventeen and Willy was not quite four years old. Thus Willy and Mother were left alone together. The desertion by his father left Willy feeling “kind of temporary” (Act1, page 51) about himself and provoked Ben to imitate and surpass what his father had done. Both sons mythologize the father: to Willy he was “an adventurous man” with “quite a little streak of self-reliance” (Act 2, page 81); to Ben he was “a very great and a very wild-hearted man” who with “one gadget” (the flute) supposedly “made more in a week than a man like Willy could make in a lifetime” (Act 1, Page 49). Both trivialize the role of their mother. Ben calls her a “Fine specimen of a lady” and the “old girl” (Act 1 page 46) and assumes she would be living with lesser son Willy. But she is the woman who bore and raised Ben, whom he deserted and made no attempt to contact, not even knowing that she had “died a long time ago” (Act 1, Page 46). Willy’s only other stated information about Mother Loman is his memory of being “in Mamma’s lap listening to some kind of high music coming from a man with a big beard” (Act 1, page 48). The mother thus provided the position of comfort from which to attend to the father (Kay Stanton, 1989). Mother is never mentioned again which gives the impression that she is not of importance in Willy’s life.The woman’ was Willy’s mistress and was mentioned a lot in the play, but the fact that she doesn’t even have a name is the most degrading thing the writer has done to her character. She only exists to satisfy Willy’s sexual desires and is treated as an object rather than a person. She was a tool to tend to Willy’s bruised ego and as a reward she was showered with gifts.(Prezi, 2015). She is easily tossed aside like an old toy when Biff comes to see his father. She is blindsided, and she is left humiliated when Willy denies her, sending her out of the room in her nightgown.” Willy(pushing her offstage): Get outa here! Go back, go back!” (Act 2, page 87) Even though she was treated better than Linda, she was still discarded when she was no longer of use to him. She was nothing more than his side lady and he had no intentions of making her anything more. She was used for her body and to fill the gaps in Willy’s life. The dialogue suggested that she did not know of Willy’s children, and of his marriage until Biff arrived at the hotel which proves that she was not a home wrecker and had good intentions with Willy. Willy’s character relates to the author Arthur Miller, he was married but at the same time was having affair with Marilyn Monroe which suggests that the author himself did not respect women either.
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