
2019-12-19 23:22

政府正在考虑对酒精实行最低价格,以减少酒精引发的暴力和与过度饮酒有关的公共卫生问题。自2004年以来,英国的饮酒量有所下降,打破了50年来的上升趋势。此外,16岁至24岁人群的饮酒量也在下降。尽管如此,许多酗酒者仍然存在,在英国,人们的饮酒量至少是推荐每日饮酒量的两倍以上(《经济学人》)。根据英国犯罪调查,酒精是2009- 2010年所有暴力犯罪的一个因素。政府认为,造成这些问题的原因是英国的酒比其他欧洲国家便宜。如果政府规定了酒类的最低价格,酒类价格将会上涨。假设啤酒的平均价格是40便士,但英国政府设定50便士作为酒精单位的最低价格。英国一家啤酒制造商的产品售价不能低于50便士。作为最低价格的结果,人们会减少啤酒的消费(啤酒是英国的主要饮料)。
The government is considering to enforce minimum prices on units of alcohol in order to decrease alcohol fueled violence and the public health problems associated with excessive drinking. In UK, drinking has decreased since 2004, breaking a five-decade upward trend. Also, the consumption of alcohol units by 16 to 24-year-old is declining. Nevertheless, many heavy drinkers are still existed and people drink more than at least twice than the recommended daily limit in UK (The Economist). According to the British Crime Survey, Alcohol was a factor in half of all violent offenses in 2009-10. The government thinks that the problems are caused by a cheap price of liquor in UK compared to other European countries. If the government sets the minimum price on liquors, the alcohol price will increase. Suppose the average price of a beer was 40P, but the UK government sets 50P as a minimum price on units of alcohol. A manufacturer of beers in UK cannot sell their products below 50P. As the result of the minimum price, people will decrease the consumption of beer (beer is the main drink in UK).