
2018-06-06 14:38

同样的,孩子们被同班同学忽略,因为他们没有互动,这一说法与Zajonc(1968)的研究相矛盾。他研究了一个案例,一个穿着黑包从头到脚的新学生走进了俄勒冈州的一间教室。他每周参加三节课,但没有以任何方式互动,也没有透露他的身份。学生们最初对黑包的态度是充满敌意的,但随着时间的推移,这种态度变成了好奇,学生们最终表示,他们与黑包结下了友谊。据Zajonc说,这是因为他在教室里是一个熟悉的、可预见的存在。这是一个极端的例子,但也可能适用于某些穆斯林学生与他们的同学互动有限的情况。Carroll和Hollinshead(1993)报告说,穆斯林女性不太可能从事体育教育,因为她们的文化强调谦虚。同样,在斋月期间强迫这些学生参加体育教育可能会提高道德标准。在这起案件中,一名12岁的穆斯林女孩因穿nijab被学校停学,学校为自己的决定辩护,称nijab是安全威胁,因为这名学生无法立即被认出来。学校也认为它违反了平等政策。此外,学校表示nijab妨碍了教学。值得注意的是,除了最后一项指控外,所有这些指控都得到了法院的支持。法官Stephen Siber以缺乏证据为由驳回了这一指控.
Similarly, the claim that the girls in Childs' class were ignored by their classmates because they did not interact can be contradicted by research by Zajonc (1968). He explored a case where a new pupil, dressed head-to-toe in a black bag, entered an Oregon classroom. He joined the class for three sessions each week, but did not interact in any way and did not reveal his identity. The students' attitudes towards Black Bag was initially hostile but over time this changed to curiosity, with students eventually stating that they developed a friendship with him. According to Zajonc, this was because he was a familiar and predictable presence in the classroom. This is an extreme example, but may also be applied in some cases where Muslim students who have limited interactions with their classmates.Carroll and Hollinshead (1993) reported that Muslim women are less likely to engage in physical education because of the emphasis of modesty within their culture. Similarly, ethical issued may be raised in coercing these students to participate in physical education during Ramadan, a time of fasting.In the case, of a 12-year old Muslim girl suspended from school for wearing the nijab, the school defended its decision by stating that the nijab was a security threat, as the pupil was not instantly recognisable. The school also felt that it contravened its equality policy. In addition, the school stated that the nijab impaired teaching and learning. It is worth noting that all of these claims were upheld by the court except the last. Judge Stephen Siber dismissed this on the grounds of lack of evidence