
2017-05-29 03:23

This school is at one end of the spectrum where there is no ruling over the National Curriculum, whereas our "main schooling" society today is at the opposite end of that spectrum. I would like to see a compromise between the two opposite ends. My perfect idea of education would be right down the middle where teachers are not governed by the ideas of education from the government but can work as a school to find their "own curriculum". By this I mean that schools work together to achieve what is needed from the curriculum but without the strict guidelines of one hour for literacy, one hour for numeracy etc. Teachers will have the free reign to "hit" the curriculum in their own time, in their own way, choosing what is best for the children in their class. Thus, hopefully, gaining respect from the pupils which sadly has been lost within society today.However that does not mean that the government should not have any say in the aims and purpose of primary education but like Baker (2009) states that details of the teaching methods, classroom organisation and curriculum should be for teachers.