
2017-12-23 13:25

跨国公司是在全球范围内运作的企业组织,与任何一个国家或地区都没有太大的联系。这些跨国公司因为从事不道德的行为而受到了很大的批评。英国诺丁汉Essay代写:运作的企业组织 这些跨国公司将工作转移到工资较低和工作条件差的国家。这些国家的劳动力帮助这些跨国公司节省了大量的劳动力成本,并通过剥削劳动力获得利润。根据《莱斯大学杂志》(2005)的报道,该报告显示了跨国公司在他们投资的国家是如何导致不平等和贫穷的增加的。
The multinational corporations are corporate organisations that operate on a global scale without significant ties to any one nation or region. These multinational corporations have been greatly criticized due to the fact that they are engaged in unethical behaviours. These multinational corporations transfer jobs to countries where there is low wages and bad working conditions. The labour in such countries helps these multinational corporations save a great deal on labour costs and they gain by generating profits through exploitation of labour. According to the journal from The Magazine Of Rice University (2005), the report shows how multinational corporations have led to increase in inequality and poverty in the countries where they make their investments.