
2018-04-17 23:12

小组讨论了合作学习的内容,并不是在所有条件下,小组工作总是最好和有效的。例如,有时我们可以看到这种情况发生:当学生在小组合作学习或报告交流时,他们要么说没有,要么没有达成共识,只是形成了他们的主观观点。这种情况发生的主要原因是学生们要么不深入学习,要么彻底了解课堂材料,要么没有准备。因此,学生应该提前学习,了解课程的重要性和亮点。此外,小组的工作应该有一些有趣的内容、可行性和开放性的探究,通过确定内容的输入和合作小组学习的时间需求。在合作小组学习中,不要忽视和避免个人责任独立思考。一般来说,课堂上的小组作业是基于这个结构的过程,即1).任务带路,2).个体独立学习,3).小组学习,4 .小组交流,5).集体评价。换句话说,对于新知识、新信息,学生应该独立思考,从而形成思维的深度、质量和创意。通过小组学习,个人意见可以发表,所以小组中的每个人都有机会分享讨论的想法和结果;然后,小组将对每个信息和内容进行总结,并通过选择一个小组代表向全班报告。最后,小组的结果可以在课堂和老师的评估下进行。
The Panel discussed the content of cooperative learning, it is not under all condition that the group work always be the best and effective. For example, sometime we can see this kind of situation occurs: when the students in the group during cooperative learning or reporting exchanges, they either say nothing or have no consensus agreement but only form their subjective points of view. The main reason this situation occurs is that students either do not study in-depth and understand the class material thoroughly, or have no case preparation. Therefore, students should study in advance and understand the importance and highlights from the course. In addition, group work should have some interesting content, feasibility, and open inquiry by determining the input of content and time needs for cooperative group learning.Do not ignore and avoid the individual accountability to think independently in the cooperative group learning. In general, group work in the classroom is based on the process of this structure, that is 1). Tasks lead the way, 2).the individual independent learning, 3).group learning, 4).group exchanges, 5).collective evaluation. In other words, for new knowledge, new information, students should think independently, so the depth of thinking, quality and originality can be developed. Through, group learning, individual opinions can be released, so everyone in the group has a chance to share the ideas and outcome of the discussion; then the group will summarize each of the information and contents, and report to the whole class by choosing a group representative. Finally, the group outcome can be viewed under evaluation of the class and by the teacher.