
2018-08-10 14:03

 translation is a process of "rendering the meaning" of information from a language (usually called "source language") into another language (usually called "target language") following the intention of the author, the purpose of the information themselves and the demand of the target language's readers. Translation, sometimes, is a definition used for both written and oral transferring; however, it is considered as "written information" transferring more often. Oral transferring refers to "interpretation." In this research, we define translation as the transferring process of written information from a source language into another target language, which can "[…] convey its original tone and message" and blind the barrier of cultural and regional diversity between the two languages.There are now available two popular methods of translation: semantic translation and communicative translation. It is classified so based on the comparison in meaning and contents with the source languages texts. Semantic translation is considered as "faithful translation", this translation method looks on the author, his/her words choice, structure and expression are saved carefully. Whereas, communicative translation looks on the readers, the purpose of this method is to give information, so the translator should render the meaning and the aim of the article. There are also other methods of translation, such as: word for word translation, literal translation, faithful translation, adaption, free translation, idiomatic translation, etc.