
2019-04-05 02:30

Study in Mississippi pre-kindergarten curriculum is designed to direct schools in establishing and administering developmentally appropriate pre-kindergarten program that meet these standards. The Mississippi pre-kindergarten curriculum is designed to direct school in establishing and administering development appropriate pre kindergarten program across the state.This study examine framework contains three prevention components this framework form government; this framework should be assist teacher in making informed instructional decisions. In this study they work in three groups to develop curriculum guide for of pre aims to investigate how school-based curriculum development (SBCD) was interpreted and implemented in a Chinese context like Hong Kong whose educational system is highly centralized and bureaucratic. This trend first came to the forefront in some decentralized educational systems where teachers had a stronger degree of professional autonomy such as Australia and the Great Britain, and later turned to be influential in other centralized systems such as Hong Kong and China. In this study he examines kindergarten teacher and principals (118 teachers and 34 principals), he use questionnaire, and semi-structured interview. Found four major barriers on the way to SBCD in Hong Kong kindergartens: lack of curriculum experts and their guidance, short of resources for curriculum development, under-qualified teachers, overlook on SBCD by school management.