
2017-05-17 02:28

The most interesting classroom activity which carries out by teachers is by playing the online interactive game in the computer lab. Students have a chance to play the game by themselves so that they can explore the needs of a game which related to the content that teachers who are going teach. For example, ESL games mostly use for English language subject. Students can move further according to their level like lower level to medium level and higher level. This type of games will offer opportunities for students to improve their English language skills in fun and interactive way. Other than that, a game like word of the de day creates reading environment in the classrooms. This is because students need to bring a cut of the newspaper during lesson time and search for words that they do not know after this, students need to search for the meaning and construct sentences according to the word. Students who collect more words will be the winner and will receive gift from the teachers. This type of activity give encouragement for students to read a lot just to find words and day by day they will practice their own reading independently. Teachers and students are putting their on-going effort for excellency in order to produce knowledgeable Malaysian which has stated in NPE.Moreover, role play or well known also stimulations can develop the communication skills with other friends. Teachers give guidance for students on the flow of developing characteristic according to the story. For instance, roles play about the great poetry William Shakespeare. Role play is one way of extending the range of purposes especially when students brainstorm to get ideas to develop the sequences of the story. Role play areas often arise from the theme that being undertaken by the class through participation. Students get wider experiences to support their engagement with others students while using signs, props, menus and so on. According to Browne (2009) this imaginative play area will be a valuable source of literacy activities by creating understanding about the theme of story. The schools teacher also states that this role play activity may build student's confident level and bring them out from the feel of afraid when they need to talk in front of other members. High moral standards can be created among students to mold good behaviours and produce personal well-being as stated in NPE.