
2017-04-11 00:34

林德斯特伦认为,青少年是很难的市场,因为三的残余因素。首先,现代品牌的情况是复杂的,并且是作为品牌来克服市场犬儒主义是超越和克服我们的做法会有什么被一些社会学家的一个“后现代”社会的自反性越来越复杂:“国际营销面临着一个复杂的魔方的变量。这些包括品牌在某个国家的竞争地位,当地文化和消费者生活阶段的影响。这些都结合起来,以确定一个特定的品牌主张或营销策略的成功。为了在全球舞台上取得成功,营销人员必须了解国家和文化之间的差异,同时利用潜在的共性,将使他们的品牌成功“(45)。这一系列复杂的变量最终可能会达到一个转折点,在那里进行的细致和具体的本地研究品牌的影响的费用不再有效地渗透到给定的市场足够。另外,有趣的是,林德斯特伦提到的局部变量,如文化和国家,这会对流行的概念的一个“强”品牌在全球范围的普遍性和。事实上,一个全球化的概念,“mcdonaldised“全球文化也在其世界观过于宿命,因为当地的文化和习俗,而他们的变化非常快,也非常的地方。共识的味道往往是非常的地方,这是在第二十一世纪的品牌,一个独特的挑战。因为现代社会中包含的不竞争的身份和Homi Bhabha所说的“杂合”;即混合和不同文化信仰的匹配,针对特定的市场比以往任何时候都更难。在积极的一面,信息的积累也变得更容易通过改变技术转移。互联网使品牌的本地,个人和全球方面的组合更容易实现。现在可以定制一个品牌,特别是通过网站收集的信息。这是如何有效地使用的一个例子是在亚马逊图书品牌。网站,同时承担一定的审美品牌的共性,同时定制根据消费者的购买习惯的网站和书籍已经看着以前。这种智能品牌专注于个人和社会的具体文化问题无疑将为研究更为复杂,但提供了几乎无限的开发潜力和实验对于人们如何理解品牌包含的信息网站。
Lindstrom argues that tweens are difficult to market for because of three residual factors. Firstly, the situation with modern branding is complex, and is getting more complex as the self-reflexive nature of branding to overcome the cynicism of the market is surpassed and overcome and we approach what would be called by some sociologists a “postmodern” society: “The international marketer is faced with a complex Rubik’s Cube of variables. These include the brand’s competitive standing in a particular country, the influence of local culture and consumer life stage. These all combine to determine the success of a particular brand proposition or marketing strategy. In order to be successful on the global stage, the marketer must understand the differences between countries and cultures, while leveraging the underlying commonalities that will make their brand successful” (45). This complex series of variables may eventually reach a turning point, where the expense of conducting meticulous and specific local research on the effects of brands no longer penetrates the given market effectively enough. Also, it is interesting that Lindstrom mentions local variables such as culture and countries, and this tends to go against the popular conception of a “strong” brand being universal and global in scope. Indeed, the notion of a globalised, “McDonaldised” global culture also tends to be overly fatalistic in its world view, because local cultures and customs, while they change extremely quickly, are also very local. Consensuses of taste tend to be very local in nature, and this provides a unique challenge for branding in the 21st century. Because the postmodern society contains within it a malaise of competing identities and what Homi Bhabha calls “hybridity”; namely the mixing and matching of different cultural persuasions, the targeting of specific markets is more difficult than it ever has been. On the positive side, the accumulation of information has also been made much easier by changing technological shifts. The Internet makes the combination of local, personal and global aspects of branding much easier to attain. It is now possible to tailor a brand specifically to the information that is gathered through the website. An example of how this is used effectively is in the Amazon Books brand. The website, while it assumes certain aesthetic branding universalities, also customises the website based upon the consumer’s previous buying habits and what books have been looked at previously. This intelligent branding which focuses on the specific cultural problems of individual and society will undoubtedly get more complex as research is conducted, but provides an almost limitless potential for exploitation and experimentation regarding how people interpret the branding information contained on the website.