
2017-04-28 00:49

The result of the findings of Ulla and Wilson's (2007) study showed the strong relation between student-faculty relationships and academic achievement. Ullah and Wilson propose that faculty has better actively interact with student and bring them more chances to learn effectively by new approach of learning, increased school activities participation, and by service projects. The findings stated the profound effect that faculty could have on students' academic success. Umbach and Wawrzynski (2005) also found the measurable impact of the way the faculty work with the students to their study engagement and academic achievement. The aim of their study was to clarify that student-faculty interaction concerned with positive study outcomes. Students receive good support from the faculty which includes interpersonal support and learning support. What the faculty should do is to challenge the students in the way that students can get high commitment to their study performance. The study points out that when university' faculty members spend time encouraging and working with the student through interacting with them in the classroom or giving them advice of active and collaborative learning, that positively affect student' academic success.Cotten and Wilson (2006) study indicated the link between student-faculty relationships and student effort towards academic performance. The study showed that the faculty members have a deeply competence in impacting the student study effort and performance. Cotten and Wilson also figured out that student maybe infrequently interact with the faculty, and that is why university's faculty should try to show the students the necessary and benefit of getting good relationship with them. In Halawah's (2006) study of student-faculty about how can faculty-student informal interpersonal relationships affect student, he concluded that the close personal relationship between staff and students play an important role in encouraging the student knowledge improvement and make students find academics' teaching activities satisfactorily and rewardingly. Thus, the study gave evidence about the fact that professors influence students' awareness and understanding of their academic performance, then influencing their desire to achieve academic success.