
2018-04-27 16:12

从概念到死亡,从概念到死亡,包括身体、情感、智力、社会、知觉和人格发展等各个方面的发展。然而,《牛津高级词典》(2006)将发展定义为改变人们的生活方式/为更好的事情做事情。作者同意Van Wagner等人(2009)的观点,即发展是一个漫长的过程,因为我们从未停止成长。作者在他们生活的不同领域看到并经历了增长,并且仍然在成长,以满足他们努力的不同领域。发展是渴望变得越来越多,成为一个人能够成为的一切,马斯洛(1996)。作者同意Maslow et al(1996)的观点,即发展正变得越来越像一个人,以及一个人能够成为的一切。作者目前坚持要成为最好的自己。作者同意凯和克莱门茨(2008)的观点:“世界的历史表明,在发展过程中,人们和社会不需要经历一系列固定的阶段。”作者的发展并不是一个固定的阶段;相反,他们的发展是随机的,视情况而定。
describes development as, the growth of humans throughout their lifespan, from conception to death and that this includes all aspects of human growth, including physical, emotional, intellectual, social, perceptual, and personality development." However, Advanced Oxford Learners Dictionary (2006) defines development as transforming of people's ways of living/doing things for the better. The author agrees with Van Wagner et al (2009) that development is a life- long process, as we never stop growing. The author has seen and experienced growth in different areas of their life and is still growing to meet different areas of their endeavours.Development is the desire to become more and more what one is, to become everything that one is capable of becoming, Maslow (1996). The author would agree with Maslow et al (1996) that development is becoming more and more what one is, and everything that one is capable of becoming. The author is currently persevering to become the best they can be. The author would agree with Kyi and Clements (2008) who state that, "the history of the world shows that peoples and societies do not have to pass through a fixed series of stages in the course of development." The author's development has not been a fixed series of stages; instead their development has been rather random depending on circumstances their life.