
2017-12-16 00:35

Adam Smith's fundamental argumentation was that people should be free and able to engage in their own private economic interests as much as possible just as long as they do not break the rudimentary rules of justice. In this manner, Smith believed, they would do far more good to advance and promote the public's welfare and interests, more than if the same people were to attempt to assist the public on purpose. Smith named this the "invisible hand" of the market, though everyone is performing in their own self-interest, they are led to accomplish the good for all like an 'invisible hand' of economic powers. Hence, outside intervention will unavoidably induce calamity. This later became renowned as "laissez faire" economic policy Adam Smith ("Wealth of Nations") reasoned that economic specialisation could be beneficial to countries as to corporations, back in 1776. Due to the division of labour being limited by the market size, he argued that nations with access to bigger markets will be capable of splitting labour more productively and hence become more efficient in the long run. Smith however, failed to realise that the division of labour is also intrinsically limited by the technology in production coordination.