
2017-05-13 06:07

The greatest boon of the IWB is the way that it draws children together to work with and for each other. Those who are either enter or intrapersonal learners will work well with all those around them. The IWB encourages a cooperative environment where these learners can flourish but it is also an environment that is able to motivate all children. The beauty of IWBs are that they enable people to work together, developing communication skills (Crook, 1994) and learning from each other; often something that is explained to you be one of your peers is far more easily understood and accepted because it has come from one of your peers. Students who have special needs particularly benefit from learning with others and the large scale nature of the IWB.Children are comfortable with the technology as their use of it is an everyday occurrence in their own homes. Interactive learning enables children to take ideas deeply into themselves to understand them as opposed to merely learning facts and figures in order to pass examinations (Marton and Saljo, 1976). One note of caution here is that the teacher needs to be alert to the possibility that one student could become more dominant over the others and therefore monopolize the IWB - good planning in the structure of groups and agreed group conduct strategies are essential to combat this.It would appear that IWBs can be a big motivation for learning; Coghill (2002) found that pupils gained from having sound, vision, and touch to draw on in the learning environment. She found that the use of the board varied depending on the teaching style of individual teachers but was struck by one comment in particular which was that the IWB gave teachers more time to teach. As with any tool in the classroom, it will only be successful in motivating children's learning if it is used in the right way. Teachers need to invest time in looking at how it can be best used to cater for the learning needs that exist within their classroom and design work or use software that will fulfill those needs. Any media that will allow students to access learning more easily has got to be a positive motivating factor and teachers need to embrace and use the technology to its maximum effect.