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2017-03-09 14:36

Huntington argues convincingly that consensus amongst political elites is vital to a successful democratic transition and offers guidelines to would be reformers within both authoritarian regimes and opposition groups. He suggests that for reformers within a regime it is important to try and place supported of democracy within the government and military, to use established procedures to make change whilst making concessions to conservatives. He also suggests that authoritarian regimes moving towards democracy need to broaden their constituency to include pro-democracy opposition groups and also to “encourage development of a responsible, moderate opposition party, which the key groups in society (including the military) will accept as a plausible, non-threatening alternative government” (p142 Huntington 1997).
For democratisers both in government and in opposition, he argues that they have to insist that reaching consensus with likeminded political elites is the only alternative – conservatives within government of radicals in opposition would not be able to produce an alternative that enjoys broad based support.. Writing that “negotiations and compromise amongst political elites were at the heart of the democratisation processes” (p165 Huntington 1997) he argues that consensus if some sort is essential in all types of transition processes. This is true – within transformations there is an implicit understanding between the authoritarian regime and opposition that a change is on its way, in transplacements such consensus is central as groups within government and opposition actively look to secure a democratic change and in replacement there is an important requirement for consensus to be found amongst opposition groups once the government has been overthrown.
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