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2017-06-19 18:02

I chose to do this activity as it was physical and interactive. I felt it would be an activity that would engage the children instantly as it is based on a familiar party game that many of the children recognised. It was not too complicated and it was a fun way of reinforcing the letters and sounds that the children had already learnt. Some key findings of the Rose review state that "the phonic work done with young children should be multi-sensory in order to capture their interest, sustain their motivation and to reinforce learning in imaginative and exciting ways" (Rose Review, 2006). This was the aim for this particular activity. Some of the children within the class showed very little interest in books and were not always keen to do their rainbow writing, which was another part of their phonics lessons to practice the formation of the letters. This activity, however, was designed to engage all of the children by offering an element of surprise and offering objects that most children would have an interest in.One particular study done to look into the multisensory approach to the teaching of phonics was carried out in London. The teachers used a programme teaching related spelling rules using a multisensory approach. The teachers used a range of resources to teach the children the spelling rules such as power point presentations and talking puppets. The children were expected to learn 40 new words and the rules they needed to know in order to spell them correctly. Each word was presented to the children by either a dinosaur puppet or a boy puppet. The 40 words were split into blocks of ten and so that each child was given the chance to try and spell each word they were given coloured cards to hold up depending on how they thought the word was spelled. To gain a good understanding of the impact this approach had on the children their spelling ability was assessed by the teachers before the study, immediately after and a few weeks after. The children were found to have made good progress. Using the multisensory approach allowed the children to be involved in the learning task and was an important way of reinforcing what the children had already learned. They found the power point presentation stimulating and the children were engaged by the puppets (GTC, 2007). They were able to concentrate for large periods of time on tasks that required careful listening and concentration. By using this method the children became encouraged to put effort into their work that meant some real achievements were made.