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2019-01-17 22:46

The social constructivist theory is the force that determines this study. It claims that individuals’ perceptions of the “reality” around them shape their thoughts and behavior (Berger & Luckman, 1966) and that the construction of meaning is a process “forged in the crucible of everyday interaction…meanings are negotiated, exchanged, and modified through everyday interactions with others” (Rosenholtz, 1989, p. 3). It also says that people construct their own understanding and knowledge of the world through experiencing and reflecting upon those experiences.Constructivism posits that children develop their own concepts of things based on prior knowledge and experience. Guided by people, prior knowledge or experience, they perceive, analyze, and eventually make up their own ideas regarding the world. Therefore, prior skills used at play may be applied relevantly to other situations, such as problem solving, analysis, or decision-making. This makes play an important part of children’s life, as it serves as the introduction to higher skills and more difficult challenges of life.In particular, Lev Vygotsky (cited in Palmer, 2004), a well-known constructivist supports the importance of play in the child’s development. In his last lecture, “Play and the Psychological Development of the Child, Vygotsky emphasized the importance of play during the child’s early years. According to him, play is part of a child’s Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD). ZPD is the difference between what a child can do and what s/he cannot. During play, the child behaves beyond his age, and discovers new ways of doing things such as different shapes and heights of blocks. As the child does this, s/he explores the depths of ZPD, which consequences to a better learning ability.
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