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2018-07-15 20:36

Vygotsky, then, argued that interaction with others is crucial for the child's achievement of mental maturity and individuality. He suggested further that this achievement depends upon interactions with those people, within the child's environment, who are more capable and advanced than the child. Processes of interaction, through discussion and argument between the child and these others, become the basis for processes which take place within the child at an individual level (Faulkner and Woodhead, 1999). These notions form the basis of what Vygotsky has termed the ‘zone of proximal development' (ZPD). Vygotsky (1978) points out that it has been commonly understood that learning, and instruction, should be matched in some way to the child's developmental level. The teaching of reading, writing and arithmetic, for example, has been traditionally initiated at a specific age level. However, according to Vygotsky, we should not “limit ourselves merely to determining developmental levels if we wish to discover the actual relations of the developmental process to learning capabilities” (Faulkner and Woodhead, 1999a, p.11). Instead, he suggests that we must take account of at least two developmental levels. Vygotsky acknowledged the existence of the actual developmental level which is the summation of a child's mental functions, as determined through the child's performance on a battery of tests or tasks at varying degrees of difficulty. He argues, however, that, through testing in this way, we tend to judge the level of the child's mental abilities according to those things that children can do on their own. If the child is offered leading questions or is helped towards a solution in collaboration with other children, thereby perhaps just missing an independent solution to the problem, this is not regarded as evidence for his or her mental development (Vygotsky,1978). We have failed, then, according to Vygotsky, to recognise that what children can do with the assistance of others could be even more indicative of their mental development than what they can do on their own.
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