澳洲墨尔本代写 管制市场

2020-06-04 05:27

这种从管制市场到十八世纪末的自我调节市场的转变代表了社会结构的彻底转变。波兰尼将这一变化称为“大变革”(波兰尼71)。这一变革意义重大,因为之前社会组织的所有重大变革都以今天的市场社会为标志。由于市场社会的出现,人们所做的在经济上并没有第一次嵌入到传统或命令中。用来解决经济问题的两种流行的方法是传统的和命令的解决方案,这是非常古老的。传统方法是一种社会组织模式,在这种模式中,生产和分配基于很久以前制定的程序,这些程序建立在反复试验的基础上,并受到强大的习俗和信仰的支持。采用传统方法的社会很好地解决了经济问题。另一方面,命令的方法,是强加权威的方法。这是一种“解决方案,其基础与其说是有形系统的永久存在,不如说是根据经济统帅的命令来组织系统”。(Heilbroner 10)总的来说,命令方法基本上是在政府决定生产什么产品、生产多少产品以及产品的价格的时候。然后我们有了市场解决方案,由于它的不寻常的方法,在社会中显示出怀疑。另外,市场和前两个强调这一发展重要性的社会组织之间的不同之处在于,在市场社会中,人们不必像传统方法那样,被迫依赖祖先来帮助他们确定自己的经济角色。(Heilbroner 13)没有人再依赖于政府了,相反,人们会用命令的方式来依赖它。总的来说,“市场社会的主要思想是允许每个人自己决定做什么”。因此,在18世纪出现之前,市场社会中自我调节的整个观念使许多人对经济将如何运行感到忧虑。多年前,市场社会的想法被认为是可疑和不可能的,现在证明了这一发展的重要性。
澳洲墨尔本代写 管制市场
This change from regulated to self-regulating markets at the end of the eighteenth century represented a complete transformation in the structure of society.” Polanyi refers to this alteration as “the great transformation” (Polanyi 71) The transformation is so significant because all the major changes for the previous social organizations is marked by market societies today. Since, the emergence of market society, what one did was not economically embedded on tradition or command for the first time in history. The two prevalent methods used to solve economic problems were the tradition and command solutions which were very old. (Heilbroner 8) The tradition method, was a mode of social organization in which production and distribution was were based on procedures devised in distant past, which were based off of trial and error, and were upheld by the powerful customs and beliefs. Societies which used the tradition method solved economic problems very manageably. (Heilbroner 8) The command method on the other hand, is the method of imposed authority. It’s a “solution based not so much on the perpetuation of a visible system by the changeless reproduction of its ways as on the organization of a system according to the orders of an economic commander in chief”. (Heilbroner 10) Overall, the command method is basically when the government determines what good should be produced, how much should be produced and the price of good. We then have the market solution which showed doubt in the society amongst the people due to its extraordinary approach. Other, differences between market and the two previous social organizations that stress the importance of this development are that in a market society, people are not compelled to rely on their ancestors to help them determine their economic role as one would do in the tradition method. (Heilbroner 13) No more does any one rely on the government as opposed to people who would do so in the command method. Overall the “main idea of a market society is that each person is allowed to decide for them selves on what to do”. (Heilbroner 13) Therefore, the whole idea of self-regulation in a market society before the emergence in the eighteenth century distressed many people on how the economy will function. The idea of a market society was seen as doubtful and impossible many years ago, which now proves the significance of this development.
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