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英国考古学作业代写 玻璃制品
2020-04-21 21:51

英国考古学作业代写 玻璃制品
A good archeological example of glass production was instituted by a ruling Caliph according to Dr. Timothy Insoll and Henderson would have been under Caliph Harun al-Rashid 796-808. It was during this time that Raqqa was the Abbasid capital. Harun al-Rashid built an industrial complex which included glass manufacture. A full glass workshop in Raqqa was surveyed dating back to 804 A.D. which helped outline the shift to the newer and local plant-based sodas for firing glass. It was a large number of “wasters” found at this site that helped archaeologists understand what this shift may have looked like and it identified the location as a site of glass manufacturing.The types of finished glass artifacts resulting from secondary production had many uses. The archaeological records from the 6th century through the 11th century is well documented, and glass played an important role in building materials in the form of windows, all the way down to ornate dromedary flasks for holding high-value liquids. According to Seth C Rasmussen, “Contact between the Byzantine Empire and the new empire of Islam allowed Islamic glassmakers to add the known Roman and Byzantine glassmaking techniques to their own glassmaking knowledge. As with many chemical arts, this cumulative glassmaking knowledge was then preserved by the world of Islam until the coming of the Renaissance in the West. Glassmaking flowered again for a time, combining Roman knowledge with indigenous traditions.” (Rasmussen & 1001Inventions, 2012). Examples of amazing stained glass windows dating back to 7th-century mosques in Syria still show the amazing craftsmanship and chemistry mastership necessary to endure the test of time and remain stunning to this very day.Another use for glass was for weights and measures purposes. These essential measuring devices had to be calibrated precisely to maintain continuity in the markets, banks, Treasurys, and mints throughout the region. To properly create these glass measuring weights the glassmaker would not only have to have been of great skill and consistent chemistry but also trustworthy to those in charge. Fulghum describes that the original function of the smaller glass discs as being used to not only verify but also to control the weight of gold coins, the large, heavyweights may have been used to weigh commodities. An exact calibration is often inscribed on early Islamic weights.
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