
2020-01-25 19:28

From research in Queen’s College, Limonene is a non-polar liquid covalent hydrocarbon, and Styrofoam is also a non-polar covalent hydrocarbon polymer. Since both two are non-polar substances, they are where the molecules have electrons that are distributed more symmetrically and therefore do not have a congregation of charges at the opposite sides and thus the charges all cancel out each other. They have weak intermolecular forces called Van Der Waals forces. Van Der Waals force is an attraction between temporary dipoles, and it is where there is temporarily changing electron density within molecules resulting in the formation of a temporary dipole which can induce a temporary dipole on another atom of another molecule. Non-polar substances cannot be dissolved in water and other polar, but they will be dissolved in non-polar substance. This is based on ‘like dissolves like’ rule, and it refers to polar and non-polar solvents and solutes. For example, if water is polar and oil is non-polar, water will not dissolve oil. Non-polar substances don’t dissolve in polar substance, because the attraction between the solvent molecules is stronger than the attraction between the nonpolar solute molecules. However, in non-polar solvent such as limonene, has similar strength with other non-polar solutes like Styrofoam allowing to have new interactions between the Styrofoam and limonene. Therefore, solute Styrofoam dissolves in the solvent limonene. The dissolution makes Styrofoam be degraded and collapse to a much lower volume since it is mostly made up of air. At the end, the product is a substance like glue which is sticky and stick things together.