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2018-11-20 10:35

Everyone in this world is psychic to some degree. This is sort of inherent in all of us. [iii] Every person has their own personal degree of sixth sense. For example, some people have a relatively poor sixth sense sensation whereas; some people have a considerably high level of sixth sense. In fact, they are able to predict future happenings or they just sense the oncoming of a mishap. “A psychic is sensitive to the electrical, magnetic and other energies emanating from the individual and known as the aura” [iv] . What is aura? “The aura is an energy field- it is our life force. Aura takes two forms -cosmic vibratory energy which is present everywhere in the universe and specific aura which sustains every human body. “In this, you will learn how to use both these sources of energy”. [v] . Psychic readings can be pretty accurate as they contain vital information of a person’s life. Furthermore, a psychic also uses his natural ability to be aware of non-verbal communication that is body language, facial expression, dress sense etc. “ESP or extrasensory perception is perception occurring independently of sight, hearing, or other sensory processes” [vi] . In fact, people who have ESP (extrasensory perception) are said to be psychic. In addition, some think that a lot of people have ESP; others think it is a talent that only some have. ESP in some way; refers to telepathy. Usually, Psychic people are said to be quite convincing; such as in day to day life we have definitely seen people who are able to predict small happenings around the house or maybe the forthcoming of a particular person. Moreover, sometimes people who do posses such abilities begin to practice it on a regular basis, and also experiment it on others. They also try to earn money out of this practice because people who do not know much about physic activity get easily dragged into it. Such practices should strictly be restricted as it can cause social instability. Conning people through this method to earn money is just wrong thus, this practice should be completely banned. It is against normal human behaviour. Another aspect to paranormality is ghosts. There is also a high debate on this matter.
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