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2017-07-26 13:44

My ontological belief is that reality is known through my participation with the different participants in the internship program as each participant would present multiple realities based on their views, experiences, worldviews, and contexts. Thus, when studying individuals, it is considerable to understand that reality is subjective as seen through many views, and my intent as the researcher should be to report the multiple views of participants as presented. Creswell (2013) explained that epistemological beliefs help the researcher determine what counts as knowledge. This knowledge is gained by getting close to the participants to understand their views and experiences. My epistemological stance required that I conduct my research in the participants' environments to gain a holistic understanding of internship and how the participants' contexts and experiences bore upon the phenomenon. By getting close to the participants and listening to them with an open mind, I understood their knowledge claims. My choice of research method enabled me to study an internship within the context of an organization to understand the experiences and perceptions of the participants. From an axiological standpoint, qualitative research is value laden as researchers bring their values and biases to bear on a study and how findings are interpreted (Creswell 2013; Glesne, 2011). Dahlberg, Drew and Nystrom (2001) thus encouraged researchers to adopt an open stance and be receptive to information about the phenomenon under study as it is presented as this allows researchers to see things in a new way. In view of that, my duty as a researcher required that I maintain an open stance and make myself available to what I was studying and be willing to listen and understand what I was being told with no judgment on my part. It is considerable that I suspended my assumptions and be open to learning from participants and not make any assumptions about what my participants knew or did. Through my extensive review and my experiences with the concept of internships, I will monitor my assumptions and biases and separate them from the data being presented by my participants. I had to be cognizant of how my previous knowledge about internships could influence my interpretation of the data. To prevent this from happening, I endeavored to jot down my feelings and perceptions about the information I received. Besides, gaining more insights into the phenomenon, adopting an open stance enabled me to identify dissenting views and report such evidence in this study, enriching the study with information that could be beneficial to the different stakeholders fascinated in internships.
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