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2017-04-24 00:15

The question about moral duties to others is as relevant in modern times as in any before. The twentieth and twenty-first century have seen war and barbarism continue in much the same way as before and indeed modern technology has seen the question of moral duty to those in other states as a more pressing issue. Assistance to citizens in other states can be arranged quickly if there is the will to do so. Technology also means that the decisions of a relatively few people can mean death and horror for hundreds of thousands even millions of people elsewhere.Some definition of morals is required in answering this question. JDB Miller writes: “Morality is right conduct. It is the way we think we ought to behave, even when we do not observe it” (p36 Moral Claims in World Affairs, Pettman 1979) and points to the fact that morals are only partly observed in society, hence the need for bodies such as the police and the courts. Moral are largely social products, developed partly from habit but also motivated in part by more emphatic urges like love a simple sense of what is right.Moral allegiances are first and foremost to the group or groups to which a particular individual belongs. This fact hinders the possibility of citizens of one state having moral duties to those of one beyond, yet it is accepted as the norm. Pettman correctly concludes that transferring of the moral loyalty shown to the group into world affairs is barely conceivable “the moral codes that such groups practice and defend serve group interests, and moral conflicts are inevitably group conflicts as well.” (p19 Pettman 1979). The idea that group morality takes precedence over a universal morality is deeply ingrained. From the initial family group onwards, membership of a group gives meaning to life and offers minimum levels of both protection and morality. The essence of the groups is its difference from outsiders – the group has its own morality, which is truer than any morality found outside of it. At the most basic level, the loyalty to the group stems from a feeling that there is little to be gained from embracing a universal morality and looking out for the well-being of others. Miller suggests that the general rule is “that the group comes first, that it makes its own morality, and that, if others suffer, that is too bad.” (p36 Pettman 1979).
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