
2017-06-28 18:09

Experiments as described by McNeil (1990:58) 'involve comparing what happens in one situation (the control group) with what happens in another (the experimental group)'. Therefore for this research proposal I will conduct an experiment where the two groups of students will be set in a same class, having the same learning environment. Same learning environment here means that the ten students will have the same teachers teaching them the same subjects and most importantly they will have the same group of friends. This is to make sure that peer influence will not be a variable that might affect the students' educational attainment. Before conducting the experiment, one of the two groups, that is the experimental group, will be given cannabis and meanwhile the other one will be selected as the control group. To make this experiment less time-consuming, some of the newer strains of the cannabis, including skunk is used as it can be three times as strong as traditional cannabis. It works more quickly, and creates hallucinations. Furthermore it has been reported that such drug is associated with lack of concentration and short-term memory which can lead to poor school performance, which then can leads to lower educational attainment.It has been identified in this proposal that the concept of educational attainment will be measured through observation of behaviour and test marks. Therefore for observation method, I proposed to place a hidden video camera in the class to examine the students' behaviours in class, for example how well they respond to their teachers, and how well they can concentrate in class. This allows me to capture a set of behaviours which assist me to analyse the meaning of such behaviour. I also proposed that the teachers should give a weekly test on the students as another way of measurement. This is important as it is known that 'measurement helps us to communicate our observations more clearly' (Atkinson and Bauman, 1977:69). These marks will be considered as a set of qualitative data and in order to summarise these data, tables and charts will be constructed.