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曼彻斯特代写Essay 本质主义观点
2020-02-29 19:53

曼彻斯特代写Essay 本质主义观点
I also avoid an essentialist view of unitary Christian Dalit identity and thereby avoid fixation of Dalit identity as a phenomenon etched in stone. As caste works itself across through multiple modes and intersections vis-a-vis urban, rural, metropolitan, cosmopolitan, gendered, to name a few axes that affect the performance of caste and its effects on Christian Dalit’s human realities. In the backdrop of these human realities, God’s relationship with the dehumanized Dalit section of the society is a witness to God’s personality as well. This expressed in Jesus’ own words, a preference for the poor in spirit, according to his sermon on the mount or in Gustavo Gutierrez’s words, a preferential option for the poor[13]. It is this hermeneutically-rich intersubjective reality found within the egalitarian relationship with God that offers the Dalit subjectivity a space to explore the world, one’s being in relation to fellow humans, one’s being in relation to God. It is a text of multiplicities and not merely a text that can be deconstructed to perpetuate abstractions, but my agenda is to foreground realities of liberation for the community and engagement with God. The author works against the norms of caste that disrupt the universal ethics of love, by engaging in God’s love as solidarity for the Dalit community, for the scope for this paper and for the oppressed majority, continues to be my rationale. In the chorus of the song, the phrase Arul Baranae Kelumae brings up the possibility of the Dalit subject as the initiator of conversation in an unequal order of caste, made possible through the Christian framework. No servant or the non-dominant person can afford to ask a master to listen to his or her plea or ask the master, either a man or woman, to reason with his or her thought. The phrase exposes the role of a proactive agent rather than that of a meek slave that a caste order continues to demand. Here the author is asking God to listen to her/his/their woes. Even when a person in a slave position tries to reason with the ‘higher’ caste, the thoughts and feelings are bound to be disregarded.
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