
2019-09-16 02:37

在本单元开始时,我们被要求考虑的第一个概念之一是一个高度争论的观点——随着最近加密货币的出现和爆炸性增长,这个哲学问题的重要性从未超过今天。我们被要求思考金融是什么,以及它如何融入社会。现在,谨慎地问一下什么是金融,以及加密货币如何符合我们目前对金融的理解。首先让我简要介绍一下“法定”货币,即没有物质价值或可兑换为大宗商品的价值的法定货币。从历史上看,一国货币的价值与一种价值稳定的商品挂钩,如黄金和白银。直到1971年理查德•尼克松(Richard Nixon)将美元与黄金脱钩之前,大多数货币都是如此。供给和需求决定了法定货币的价值。政府可以控制流通总量,控制货币价值和通货膨胀。批评人士认为,加密货币最大的缺陷之一是,当需求高时,更多的代币无法进入流通。比特币的总量受到一种类似于贵金属开采的数字化生产过程的限制,这种过程可以防止比特币的价值受到系统性生产过剩和贬值的侵蚀,历史上许多法定货币都是如此。无法对需求做出反应导致加密货币的价值剧烈波动,使它们成为不可靠的价值储存手段。自今年年初以来,比特币的价值大幅飙升,这一点表现得最为明显。相反,由于法定货币不与实物储备挂钩,它们有可能因恶性通胀而变得一文不值。如果人们对一个国家的纸币失去信心,这些货币将不再具有价值。
At the start of the unit, one of the first concepts we were asked to consider was a point that is highly contended – a philosophical question which has never borne more significance than it does today, with the recent emergence and explosive growth of cryptocurrencies. We were asked to consider what finance was, and how it fit into society. Now it would be prudent to ask what finance is, and how cryptocurrencies fit in to our current understanding of it. Let me start to answer this with a brief description of ‘fiat’ currencies, or legal tenders, with no material value or value redeemable for commodities.Historically, the value of a nation’s currency was pegged against a commodity with well-established value, such as gold or silver. This was the case for the majority of currencies up until 1971, when Richard Nixon decoupled the US dollar from gold. Supply and demand determines the value of fiat currency. Governments can control how much is in circulation and control the value of money as well as inflation. One of the biggest downfalls of cryptocurrency according to its critics, is the inability of more tokens to enter circulation when demand is high. The total amount of Bitcoin, is limited by a digital production process analogous to precious metal mining, which can stop its value from being eroded by systematic over-production and debasement as has been the case with numerous fiat currencies historically.18 This inability to react to demand causes sharp volatility in the value of cryptocurrency, making them unreliable stores of value. This has been most evident with the steep spikes in Bitcoin value since the beginning of the year. Conversely, as fiat currencies are not linked to physical reserves, they risk becoming worthless due to hyperinflation. If people lose faith in a nation’s paper currency, the money will no longer hold value.