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2017-08-01 23:17

Supporters of legalization have certain circumstances in which they argue can result in a positive impact if drugs were legalized and feel that drug issues arise due to the fact of them being illegal. These circumstances include legalizing marijuana to make it a social drug, and in turn would help in benefiting the government financially. Also, legalization would lead to a decrease in crimes. So far this year, about 4000 people have died in Mexico's drug war - a horrifying toll. Most of the problems stem not from drugs themselves, but from the fact that they are illegal. The obvious answer, then, is to make them legal (Wilson, 32). Supporters agree that if drugs are made legal like alcohol and cigarettes society will adapt and grow tedious of it, putting it aside. It will be common and there won't be much hype about it. According to Vidal, as stated before, all drugs should be made legal and sold at a cost (Vidal, 355). A vast amount of money is raised through government taxation from alcohol and cigarettes. Supporters feel that the legalization of drugs, mainly marijuana, would create another item that could be taxed and can be beneficial financially to the government. "Tax boss Betty T. Yee, chairwoman of the State Board of Equalization, backs the plan and says it could produce annual tax revenues of $1.4 billion. "I think the tide is starting to turn in terms of marijuana being part of the mainstream" (Katel, 19). They believe this can be a strategy to help raise economic growth financially. As for the crimes, supporters agree that since the drugs would be allowed, there would not be any issues of robbery or fights since the drug cartels would be ran out of business. They argue that prohibition of drugs is what causes those crimes. "Prohibition as a policy has failed. Just look at the US, where hundreds of thousands of people have been jailed and, despite billions of pounds of funding for draconian policies, higher purity drugs continue to flood the market" (Chand, n.pag.). These assertions are valid to a certain extent, but overall fail and lead to more issues.
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