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2017-05-16 00:27
该卢拉克VS佛罗里达州同意法令要求每个英语能力有限(LEP)的学生得到“平等的编程适合自己的英语水平,学术成就和特殊需要”(LOPéZ,公元2004年10月8日)。2003的修正案要求扩大原有条文。首先,它提供了一个额外的选项,通过这一认证的教师可以获得ESOL覆盖和教师培训的具体要求,包括认证后的几个小时,所有人持有行政指导顾问职位。修正案还允许原告获得ESOL老师测试并提供输入,成为测试的设计部分。同意法令不要求英语的其他语言(英语)教学的具体方法,而是允许灵活的本地需求和人口统计。国家规定,LEP学生必须在英语,获得ESOL教学然而,那他们必须有英语或阅读,数学,国内语言教学的科学,社会研究,计算机素养。另外一个区的计划,每个学生必须对文件有一个LEP学生计划。为初等和中等教育法案的一部分(ESEA)次修订,标题1资金的很大一部分,现在的立法是专门给全校程序重定向,并提高教育服务的整体质量。”(汉娜2005)。刘氏的补救措施将于1981撤回。立法者试图额外努力改造在1983年的1989次修订在里根和George H.W. Bush政府。这些共和党行政局长领导对双语教育的主要活动和赞成“回到基础”教育。1988修订后的《双语教育法》致力于重新界定教育计划,制订更具体的目标,提供支援中心,以及解决能力建设的工作。1993,由克林顿政府领导的民主党人开始了一个新的教育改革方向,早期的发展是以标准为基础的改革,通过类似法案的目标2000。1994,在提高美国ICA的学校,双语教育阳离子法案重新授权。这种“授权改写了ESEA的想法,每一个国家都会创建一个基于标准的系统适用于所有的学生,包括那些合格的标题下我”(汉娜,2005)。这是第一次,比林双语教育被认为是一种资源来帮助移民成为能说一口流利的英语,和宝潜在资产来改善国家的前景。利物浦代写Essay:认证的教师
The LULAC vs. Florida Consent Decree requires each Limited English Proficient (LEP) pupil to receive "equal access to programming which is appropriate to his or her level of English proficiency, academic achievement, and special needs" (Lopéz, A. October 8, 2004). An amendment in 2003 requires an expansion of some of the original provisions. First, it provides an additional option through which a certified teacher may obtain ESOL coverage and specific levels of teacher training, including post-certification hours, for all persons holding administrative and guidance counselor positions. The amendment also allows the plaintiffs to secure access to the ESOL teacher test and provide input that becomes part of the test's design. The Consent Decree does not mandate a specific methodology for English Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) instruction but instead permits flexibility to local needs and demographics. The state stipulates that LEP students must receive ESOL instruction in English, however, and that they must have ESOL or home language instruction for reading, mathematics, science, social studies, and computer literacy. In addition to a plan for the district, each student must have a LEP Student Plan on file.As part of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) reauthorizations, a large part of Title 1 funding is now redirected by the legislation to be dedicated to a whole school program, which did improve the overall quality of education services." (Hanna 2005). The Lau remedies were to be withdrawn in 1981. Legislators attempted additional efforts to transform ESEA in the 1983 and 1989 reauthorizations under the Reagan and George H.W. Bush administrations. These republican administrations led a major campaign against bilingual education and were in favor of a "back to basics" education. The Bilingual Education Act, as amended in 1988, was an effort to re-define education programs with more specific goals, to provide for support centers, and to address capacity-building efforts. In 1993, democrats, lead by the Clinton administration, began a new education reform direction with the early development of standards-based reform through bills like Goals 2000. In 1994, under the Improving America's Schools Act, the Bilingual Education Act was reauthorized. This "reauthorization rewrote ESEA with the idea that every state would create a standards-based system applicable to all students, including those who qualified under Title I" (Hanna, 2005). For the first time, bilingual education was considered a resource to help immigrants become fluent English speakers, and a potential asset to improve the country's prospects.
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